Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dog Days

Well its been a while. Book sales have dropped off at the marina, although I did have one dear lady take six copies. She said she'd be sending them out as Christmas gifts to friends and relatives who have moved away from Maine. The tourists have all gone home for the most part, so now the roads are free of traffic and the checkout lines at the grocery store are not backed up. Since Mother died on August 18 the book has sort of taken a back seat while Jean and I experience a little more freedom. A while back I sent out review copies to two Maine publishers and one copy to the Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance, but have not had a response from any of them. I suppose that's not a good sign. On a more positive note I've been asked to speak to a social club about what it's like to write a book and I've been requested to address a high school English class about writing in the "first person." I told the friend who asked, that appearing in front of a bunch of high school sophomores seemed a little like being invited as the guest of honor at a cannibal bar-b-q! Oh well, if my experiences can help or inspire even one person or student then its all worth it. Three regional publications have accepted stories from me for printing in future issues. This business proceeds slowly considering how the editors are working months in advance. Which means their contributors have to be writing even more in advance, so you end up trying to write about Christmas in the middle of July. My sister wrote that she has been sharing her copy of the book with her bible study group and that each person who has read the stories has enjoyed them very much. That's good news. Likewise another reader here in Maine caught up with me and said she'd read every piece and "loved them all." Certainly this book business is no way to get rich, but then again some of the personal responses and kudos you receive from friends and strangers is priceless.


K. Smith said...
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K. Smith said...

Hi! I'm one of the high school cannibals, haha. I look forward to talking about your writing and my writing and what you've done to publish your book.

And also, we're a creative writing class, so we shouldn't be too unruly.